12 Life-Changing Books to Transform Your (Financial) Habits

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Books are really life changing and they have the power to transform your habits towards financial success by cultivating positive habits.

From budgeting and saving to investing and building wealth, the habits you develop can have a profound impact on your financial well-being.

Fortunately, there are countless books out there that offer valuable insights and actionable strategies for mastering your habits and achieving your financial goals.

In this post, we are going to list suggested books that can help you transform your bad financial habits into good ones.


Habits are behavioral patterns that we repeat regularly, often without conscious thought.

You know those things that we do almost without thinking?

For example, checking our phones as soon as we wake up or grabbing a snack when we’re stressed?

Those are habits – routines we’ve gotten used to.

Some are good, while others can hurt us.

Our habits affect everything, from how healthy we are, to how much money we have in the bank.

And when it comes to money, the habits we have can make a big difference in our financial lives.

Good financial habits, such as budgeting, saving, investing, and living within one’s means, can lead to long-term financial success and security.

On the other hand, poor financial habits, such as overspending, impulse buying, and neglecting to save, can hinder progress towards financial goals and lead to financial stress.

Understanding habits and how they are formed is essential for anyone looking to improve their financial situation.

Once you know what your habits are and what sets them off, you can start swapping out the not-so-great ones for better ones.

That’s how you start calling the shots with your money and move closer to your financial goals.


These days, a lot of folks (including myself) lean towards watching or listening rather than picking up a book.

Most people give the impression that reading is boring and most people doze off while reading. However, reading books is a game-changer for learning and growing.

So, we must realize that when it comes to getting our finances in order, reading books is an important component to it. Here’s why:

  • Books offer valuable insights and strategies to enhance your understanding of yourself and your financial principles.
  • Many books delve into the psychology of money and habit formation. This will clarify your motivations for financial choices and provide tips for positive behavior change.
  • Personal finance books emphasize the importance of mindset in achieving financial goals.  They also advise you to develop a growth mindset and positive money beliefs in order to overcome obstacles and maintain motivation.
  • Reading books encourages you to think long-term and consider the implications of your financial decisions on your future self.
  • The goal of personal finance education is financial independence – the ability to live comfortably without relying on a paycheck. Mastering money management gives you control over your financial future and empowers you to craft your desired life.

Develop the habit of reading books because “leader are readers”.


The books listed here are all great choices if you’re struggling to change your “bad” habits and need some help along the way.

Here is the list of must-read books that will help you transform your habits and supercharge your finances:

1. “Atomic Habits” by James Clear

In this book, readers embark on a journey to understand the science behind habit formation and learn practical strategies for building positive habits.

Drawing on scientific research and real-life examples, Clear reveals the power of small, incremental changes and the cumulative impact they can have on our lives.

By exploring “atomic habits” – small changes with big impact – Clear helps readers master their habits and change their behavior.

Clear’s book challenges the notion that habits are fixed and unchangeable, highlighting the potential for growth and improvement in every individual.

Quote: “You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.”

2. “The Power of Habit” by Charles Duhigg

In “The Power of Habit” by Charles Duhigg, readers explore the psychology behind habit formation and how habits shape our lives.

Duhigg draws on scientific research and compelling anecdotes to illustrate how habits work and how they can be changed.

Through understanding the habit loop – cue, routine, reward – readers gain insights into how to identify and modify their habits effectively.

Duhigg’s book offers hope and practical strategies for anyone looking to break free from destructive habits and cultivate positive ones.

Quote: “Change might not be fast and it isn’t always easy. But with time and effort, almost any habit can be reshaped.”

3. “Making Good Habits, Breaking Bad Habits” by Joyce Meyer

In “Making Good Habits, Breaking Bad Habits” by Joyce Meyer, readers are guided on a journey of personal growth and transformation.

Meyer draws from her own life experiences and shares biblical principles to inspire readers to take control of their habits and live a life of purpose and fulfillment.

Meyer empowers readers to ditch destructive habits and build positive ones with practical advice and spiritual insights.

Quote: “God has a plan for your life, and it’s a good plan. But you won’t fulfill that plan if you’re not willing to put forth the effort to develop good habits.”

4. “The Compound Effect” by Darren Hardy

In this book, readers learn about the power of consistency and small actions repeated over time.

Hardy emphasizes the importance of making small, positive changes to our habits and routines in order to achieve significant results.

By grasping the compound effect – how small actions add up over time – readers learn how to make big, lasting changes.

Hardy’s book offers practical strategies for harnessing the power of the compound effect to achieve success in personal finance and beyond.

Quote: “The real cost of a four-dollar-a-day coffee habit over 20 years is $51,833.79. That’s the power of the Compound Effect.”

5. “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success” by Carol S. Dweck

While not specifically about habits, Dweck’s book explores the concept of mindset and its impact on behavior and achievement.

Dweck introduces the idea of fixed mindset versus growth mindset and explains how our beliefs about ourselves shape our behavior and outcomes.

By embracing a growth mindset – the belief that skills can grow with effort – readers learn to foster a mindset that backs positive habits and achievement.

Dweck’s book offers hope and inspiration for anyone looking to break free from limiting beliefs and achieve their full potential.

Quote: “Becoming is better than being.”

6. “Tiny Habits” by BJ Fogg

In “Tiny Habits” by BJ Fogg, readers discover the power of making small, incremental changes to create lasting habits.

Fogg introduces the concept of “tiny habits” – small, easy changes that can lead to big results – and explains how they can be applied to various areas of life, including personal finance.

By honing in on behavior design and finding easy daily actions, readers discover how to make positive changes effortlessly.

Fogg’s book provides a practical and accessible approach to habit formation, making it suitable for readers of all backgrounds.

Quote: “When you shine a light on something, it becomes part of your reality. And when something becomes part of your reality, you can use it.”

7. “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen R. Covey

Stephen Covey’s classic book outlines seven principles for personal and professional effectiveness.

Covey’s timeless wisdom offers practical advice on how to live a more fulfilling and productive life, including in the realm of personal finance.

Moreover, understanding the importance of habits such as being proactive, prioritizing, and seeking mutual benefit, readers gain insights into how to achieve success in their financial endeavors.

This book provides a roadmap for building habits that lead to greater effectiveness and success in all areas of life.

Quote: “The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.”

8. “The One Thing” by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan

This book challenges readers to focus on their most important priorities and eliminate distractions.

Keller and Papasan emphasize the power of concentration and eliminating distractions in order to achieve extraordinary results.

By grasping the “one thing” concept – the key task that simplifies everything – readers learn how to prioritize and form habits for success.

Keller and Papasan’s book offers practical strategies for identifying and focusing on the one thing that matters most in personal finance and beyond.

Quote: “Success is sequential, not simultaneous. You do the right thing and then you do the next right thing. Over time it adds up, and the geometric potential of success is unleashed.”

9. “Better Than Before” by Gretchen Rubin

In this book, readers explore the strategies and techniques for building habits that stick.

Rubin draws on her research and personal experiences to offer practical advice on habit formation and behavior change.

Understanding the Four Tendencies framework – Upholder, Questioner, Obliger, Rebel – sheds light on personal tendencies and their impact on habit formation.

Rubin’s book provides a roadmap for building habits that align with individual personalities and lifestyles, making it easier to create lasting change.

Quote: “What you do every day matters more than what you do once in a while.”

10. “Badass Habits” by Jen Sincero

In “Badass Habits” by Jen Sincero, readers are invited to embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment through the lens of habit formation.

Sincero draws from her own experiences and shares candid insights, urging readers to step out of their comfort zones and embrace change.

Moreover, with practical tips and funny stories, Sincero encourages readers to build habits that match their goals and values, so they can live a purposeful, fulfilling life.

Quote: “You are a badass. You are powerful beyond measure, you are capable of pretty much anything you are willing to work for, and you could change your life today.”

11. “Mini Habits” by Stephen Guise

In this book, readers are introduced to a revolutionary approach to habit formation that emphasizes starting small and building momentum.

Guise challenges readers to rethink their approach to habit formation and offers practical strategies for creating lasting change.

With real-life examples and actionable tips, Guise shows how tiny changes can bring big results, empowering readers to transform their lives, one mini habit at a time.

Quote: “You can’t reach big success without a bunch of little successes along the way.”

12. “Making Habits, Breaking Habits” by Jeremy Dean

In “Making Habits, Breaking Habits” by Jeremy Dean, readers are taken on a journey into the fascinating world of habit formation and behavior change.

Dean explores the latest research in psychology and neuroscience to uncover the secrets behind why we do the things we do and how habits are formed in the brain.

Through practical insights and evidence-based strategies, Dean empowers readers to take control of their habits and create positive change in their lives.

Quote: “The key to forming good habits is to make them automatic, so you don’t have to think about them anymore.”


These books are just some of the resources that provide invaluable insights and practical strategies to transform your habits and supercharge your finances.

Whether you’re looking to save more, invest wisely, or achieve financial freedom, mastering your habits is essential for long-term success.

As you dive into the wisdom of these authors, remember that change is possible, and with dedication and persistence, you can develop your life one habit at a time.

So what are you waiting for?

Pick up one of these books, start implementing the principles within, and watch as your financial habits—and your bank account—transform for the better.


1. Pick one book from the list that appeals to you.

2. Read/ listen for at least 15-30 minutes a day.

3. Each day, write/ highlight the lessons you’ve learned since we have the tendency to forget them.

4. Check how you can apply the lessons learned in your everyday life.

5. Share what you have learned in the comments section below.

Happy reading and cheer’s to a brighter financial future!

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